There’s no doubt promoters are a critical component to making the night a success. They’re charged with bringing the right people in on a consistent basis, building relationships with customers to keep them coming back, and marketing your major events. But how do you know if they’re excelling at these tasks?


Without tracking measures in place, it’s nearly impossible to truly understand how well your promoters are working for you. Sure, you can see the type of audience within your club on a given night and you can look at your point of sale (POS) system to get stats on sales. But there’s not a clear way to tie an individual customer’s attendance to a promoter’s work.

This is where integrated technology can play a huge role in determining not only the success of your club, but also the success of the moving parts within it. Today’s technology can track the referrer of an individual customer, VIP reservation, or guestlist party, making it easier to identify who’s bringing in the most traffic. Once these customers are in the club, the technology can continue to track spending habits such as product type and amount.

This type of referrer system only works if promoters are able to access the integrated technology. There’s technology out there that does this without breaching club security. Promoters are simply able to add a customer to the guestlist or VIP list for a given night from any device, and the system knows to automatically attach that promoter to that guest. It’s a seamless process the promoter, the club, and the analytics system.

Information about specific customers is clutch in understanding what is and isn’t working at your club. Information that ties back to each one of your promoters is even more valuable. This gives you more insight on which promoters are bringing in the most customers, the best customers, and even the most money. All of this allocates you to make better, more logical business decisions.


Whitney Johnson is the global director of marketing for BookBottles. Contact her at