It’s always our mission to provide you with features that help improve your business. And over the past month, we released 5 to do just that. Check them out below.


1. Connect Your Accounts

Now you can truly connect your accounts in one dashboard. We integrated with Zapier so information can pass automatically through your Vēmos account to other accounts of your choosing (such as email platforms and mobile bidding systems). This means no manual data entry or importing/exporting of lists to separate accounts. Go to Settings > Integrations in your Vēmos dashboard to start connecting everything.


2. Customize your Ticket Form Fields

We’re data geeks, but we realize not everyone needs as much data in their system as we provide. So, we’ve added the ability for you to choose which data you want to collect from your guests as they purchase a ticket to your event. Go to Settings > Events and select which form fields you want to include on your event checkout pages.


3. Add Seats to your Table Map

We’ve always had standalone tables in our real-time table map, but sometimes you need seats around those tables. Now you can have both. To add seats, choose “small circle” as the shape when adding your tables in your settings. You can have as many seats around a table as you want. That way, you can multiple individuals sitting together at one table.


4. Added Search Functionality on Web Dashboard

Sifting through your guest profiles to find the right guest is now easier than ever. We’ve added the ability to search by either name, email, or phone number on your web dashboard. You will see this in the guest profiles search bar as well as the search bars when adding a reservation or guestlist party.


5. New Guests Analytics Section

Speaking of guests, we also added the new Guest Analytics section. Use this data to understand who your customers are over a given time period, including guests by referrer type and guests by gender. We will continue to add graphs in here to give you an even better picture of your customer demographic, geographic, and psychographic data.


Manage, understand, and grow your business from a single dashboard with Vēmos. Contact us to get started by filling out the form below.