Things are getting a facelift around here, and it’s all in the name of data and profit. That’s because we believe that every venue, regardless of size, benefits from truly understanding their business.

What does that mean?

It means being able to understand every guest that walks through your door. Being able to always know where you stand compared to your historic averages and the industry at large. And above all else, being able to make smart decisions on the fly.

Data in and of itself is overwhelming. But data that’s transformed into insights is powerful. So that’s exactly what we sought out to do as our mission in 2018, complete with a brand new website and web-app dashboard.


We Get It
You’re busy running your venue. It’s not an efficient use of your time to log into multiple services every night and manually look through spreadsheets to understand your business.


So What’d We Do
We automated the work. We combine data you’re already collecting across your venue into as ingle, digestible dashboard. That way you only have to log in once to see everything.


But That’s Not It
You get decision-making insights. We go a step further and humanize this data, so you’re presented with a story of your business, who your guests are, and how their actions influence your performance.


Who’s making up your sales? How do they find out abut you? What do they buy one they’re inside? Is your bar upstairs running slower than normal? How are your sales trending based on last month? How do you compare to what you did this time last year? Is your average cost per transaction lower than normal?

Now you can find out. You have the power in your hands to own the night and be in full control of how it plays out. It’s all about turning your data into insights, and using those insights to turn everyday decisions into smart decisions that drives results.

Get started for free today or schedule a free online demo to find out more.