VIPs are a crucial component of your business. They enhance your overall atmosphere and, more importantly, they spend more money. This is why they need to be treated with better, more customized service.

However, recent articles have shown that many employees equate better service to no rules. This should never be the case, and we will further emphasize the importance of Nightclub & Bar’s suggestion to have a VIP Code of Conduct for all employees to understand. And by all employees, we mean all employees. Don’t leave out those that don’t typically work with VIP customers – chances are your VIP guests will interact with nearly all levels of employees at one point or another.


Employees who don’t understand how to interact with VIP guests coupled with non-existent rules leads to serious danger for your club, including poor customer service, sub-par experiences and even litigation. Integrated technology can assist in ensuring this doesn’t happen by being in full control of your VIP experience. Here’s how:


•  A customer relationship management (CRM) system lets all employees know your clients on a deeper level than just their name. They can see their party size, favorite liquors, and past transactions to serve them with excellent and personal service.

•  A point of sale (POS) system that’s integrated with your CRM system can track what your VIP guests are drinking. This not only helps from an inventory standpoint, but also works to mitigate overconsumption and, in turn, legal fines. Servers have a better handle of what and how much is being consumed through the POS and CRM data.

• Advanced ID scanning systems tracks risks associated with unlawful incidents. The system can provide past incident information to help make more educated decisions on who does and doesn’t get into your club and alert you of any crimes that do happen in your club. This can also be integrated with your CRM system to keep track of these incidents well after they happen to always keep your employees informed.


While it’s important to provide your VIP guests with the feeling that they’re better than the standard club-goer (they are VIPs after all), it’s even more imperative to stay true to your club rules and regulations. Train employees, staff accordingly, and use technology to your advantage.


​Whitney Larson is the president at Vēmos. Contact her at